* Denotes Attendance
ClIr R Moore Town Mayor (in the Chair) – *
CllrRClark – *
Cllr Mrs J Lidstone – A
Cllr. R. Wheeler – *
ClIr. A. Biggs – *
Cllr M.Fice – *
Cur R. Bothwick – *
Cllr H. Taylor – *
Cur Mrs Bricknell – *
Also in attendance:
Dist. Cur J Carter – District Councillor – A
Dist. Cllr P Coulson District Councillor -*
Gill Claydon (Clerk) -*
Pc Mullin – *
PCSO Gibson – A
Members were invited to declare any disclosable interest, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting as follows:
• Cllr Biggs wished it known that by virtue of his professional and development contacts he would leave the meeting should planning matters relating to clients he was aware of at such time were discussed and any item relating to land at RA3.
It was noted that following the last council meeting Ian Hatch had tendered his resignation.
Police – PC Mullins advised he would be leaving 19th June 2013. He noted a recent spate of burglaries from building sites referring to another last Tuesday on the site at Harbour Lights where power tools and a bench saw were removed. They were concentrated on the Salcombe and Thurlstone patch and it was noted that prior to previous thefts the sites had some individuals attending to sell cheap power tools and this appeared to be a pattern. They had mapped offences and sent such for briefing to stations so all were aware. He was asked whether there were any night time patrols and he confirmed yes.
David Cohen attended to speak as a member of the Master Plan steering group working on site RA3 adjacent to the main road and such consultation process thereon. He wished to advise the Mayor and colleagues that he was resigning from that committee. Crucially he did not believe that the community was being best served through the Localism Act by this process. The Act 2011 as he read it was about empowering developers to build more, more quickly. It was also supposed to be about community empowerment and community participation and he did not feel that this was being achieved
His opinion was he found himself sitting on a committee where the only document that was guiding the Steering Committee that he could ascertain were Terms of Reference which he was presuming were not provided by any statutory body but probably written by the developers or their agents. The emails and correspondence between himself and committee members on the consultation group had been quite fierce. With the occasional exception where the Mayor had been copied in it such exchange had remained within the embrace of the steering group to discuss his concerns. Immediate problem began when the steering group were put together as Mr Cohen felt it became a self evident fact that the future of Site RA3 was being conducted and driven by the developer who only owned part of RA3 and only had a land option on this part of the site. His gentle word of caution was that if colleagues were to sign a document at the moment of application stage they were by definition supporting a planning application and he did not feel he had that sort of authority.
Dist Cllr Coulson arrived.
Cllr Taylor noted that the fact was that the Development Plan Document had allocated the site for development. There was no way a steering group could turn back the clock and it was to be developed part domestic and part commercial. The Master Plan steering group was not localism per se but a group put there to ensure Bloor Developers did what they said they were going to do. It was felt that Bloor had done this and they had tried to make contact with the community. No matter what proposals were put in and/or changed the site would be developed and the steering group, only there to ensure a process was followed, that was the remit and Terms of Reference. A Neighbourhood Plan was a different document that looked to future development, not a site specified.
David Cohen advised he had never suggested that the land would not be developed, this was not the issue. The issue that faced him was he felt the community were better off waiting for a planning permission to be registered and going through the normal process. He felt that the Localism Act offered so much but there again nothing. Perhaps Bloors were going through a fair enough consultation process but he felt that Localism promised what it did not deliver and therefore he was better off stepping out and looking at such planning application at the end.
ClIr Taylor advised that until the group saw a draft Master Plan they could not comment on the process. When Town Council and the community see then they could decide if Bloor had listened and acted on what the community said.
Dist Cllr Coulson advised everyone to cast theft minds back four years ago, perhaps slightly more. Then Town Council was presented with a set of plans on a ‘take it or leave it basis’ over a 6 week period to approve housing behind Harbour Hotel. Then the process was either refuse or accept. The current pre application process was brought in to try and engage councils when they could influence the process and thus Localism Act was a move forward for this idea and the community were invited to get involved. Any community when presented with something reacts negatively but this provides a better dialogue. Currently the process was in the talking phase with the developers and it was unhelpful for a steering group member to throw ideas into the pot when it should be the community during consultation. The steering group were in place to look at a plan and decide whether a community had been listened to. When a Master Plan was available this would start a dialogue and Dist Cllr Coulson felt Localism was working.
The Mayor suggested that David Cohen was being a little bit premature on his concerns. The process was going through community consultation and the steering group would have a report. The comments then goes to the developer who should reflect any matters raised in their Master Plan and the Steering Group should go through to make sure all this was taken account of The items that the developer does not take account of must be noted and a response requested for theft stance or answer. Any action before a Master Plan would be unfair.
Cllr, Biggs left the meeting.
Cllr Wheeler noted that one problem was the issue of the statement with regard to the Park & Ride which in fact had not officially been provided to Bloor. The RA3 consists of 22% Park & Ride. Town Council needed to talk to the developers to advise of the demarcation of the cemetery extension and any other comments. Mark Long had previously told Bloor such information but it was not officially sent and basically without another site Town Council could not move the Park & Ride.
Any Neighbourhood Plan was on hold and was something for the future. Any development sites in the melting pot must go ahead. What Cllr Wheeler saw at the developer’s public meeting he was impressed with and the from the points raised by the public most points had filtered through. There was to be a strategy meeting on 22 March and he felt Town Council needed to get round the table with Bloor. Cllr Taylor agreed he was now of the opinion that Town Council needed to talk to Bloor before any draft Master Plan.
Dist Cllr Coulson fairly asked David Cohen yesterday in an email hack it or step out. David Cohen was mindful during process that there was only one thing worse than to be standing there now and that was for the Master Plan to be delivered and him to say he did not support it so he was stepping down gracefully. The Mayor accepted this and understood some reasons and perhaps some frustrations. Dist Cllr Coulson noted that he hoped he had not indicated at any point that anyone staying on would be supporting such plan. Once the consultation was carried out they would judge the process when they had seen the output.
The Mayor asked David Cohen if in consideration of his resignation from this group he still wished to be considered for co-option later in the agenda. He replied in the affirmative.
Cllr Wheeler was requested by the Mayor to set up a meeting with Bloor but Cllr Taylor said he would do so as the Town Council steering group representative and accordingly advise all councillors. The Mayor did not see that the boundary of the cemetery made any difference to Bloor and Dist Cllr_ Coulson felt Town Council should be seen to be part of the consultation even if the Park & Ride were not part of the development.
David Cohen left the meeting.
District Cllr Coulson Report. The planning applications for South Sands Hotel and the proposed Crab Restaurant on Creek Car Park were considered at planning committee. For South Sands Hotel the planning officers objected on design, sustainability and development in the countryside. It was noted that the intention was to bring the far wing up to the same standard as the rest of the frontage but there were concerns for such increase in roof height by 1.7m on that far section. The intention was to encompass a suite during summer and in the winter such would become a conference venue to attempt to extend the usage season and keep the hotel open for 12 months a year thus sustaining 14 staff in the hotel and such supply chain. All points made by Andrew Turner, the applicant, were listened too and the planning officers proposals overturned by the committee and approved. On the restaurant within the car park he reflected two concerns as such were that they stated employing three trainee chefs and no qualified chef to oversee and pass on expertise. He was also concerned District was allowing this in the middle of their car park which would be something that the public would need to cross to access. Nothing seemed to have been thought through. Also he had concerns with regard to piecemeal development on this site, as formerly Island Street had been allowed to house photo studies etc in such work units and was not what policy stated for a waterside employment area. Dist Cllr Coulson was deeply concerned that there was no Master Plan for this area and District had gone ahead to do what they wanted without consulting with the town. There was a need to see what was going to happen across this whole area. Salcombe needed affordable employment as much as affordable housing. In principle he was concerned at ad hoc development by District but was out voted at the District Planning Committee and they allowed this development to go ahead on their own land. Town Council felt there was a complete lack of strategic planning on behalf of District and asked did the Environment Agency not object? They were advised that they did initially but they withdrew their objection. He also advised that the application for Gara Rock hotel was thrown out as this would use the property as dwellings and not a hotel. The intention was to run such as a mini restaurant with fifteen separate dwellings.
The Environment & Economy steering group did now have a draft policy for making planning decisions on alternative energy i.e. wind turbines etc. These formal policy documents would be available shortly. There had also be an AONB Management Plans review. The Connect Partnership report was very bureaucratic and he felt was incomprehensible. They did not initiate such report through scrutiny so they sent the officer off to reconsider. Dog Control Orders were coming to fruition and umbrella Orders should he with town council later this year to enable specific controls and measures to be put in place. Under this if town council wanted to put dogs on leads on The Berry or other land they owned etc they could do so. However District only have 1.5 dog wardens across the South Hams and once the town decided what their priorities were i.e. dogs on leads on North Sands at set times etc (as an example) then such enforcement would be down to Town Council. If the town had volunteer wardens they must be trained.
It was AGREED to co-opt David Cohen as town councillor and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Interests would be sent to him for completion and return to the Town Clerk before the next meeting.
The Minutes of the meeting dated 27″February 2013 were approved and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
Councillors considered the planning group’s proposed submission and tree works application responses and approved such wording before these were sent to the District as Planning Authority:
• 0416/13/F Householder application for a single storey extension, along with associated works. Timber shed for storage of mobility scooter St. Christophers, Devon Road, Salcombe TQ8 SHQ – Applicant Mr and Mrs David Broderick – Objection. Town Council had no problem with an extension to the house but there were concerns with regard to such proposed permanent structure i.e. hard standing on the top for a mobility
scooter as it was in a prominent position. It was felt a wooden decking structure would suffice and could be removed if and when the user was to leave the property. The neighbouring property could lose a large
amount of daylight during the winter time if a shed structure was in place and planning officers were requested to consider the 45degree sunlight rule.
• 0439/13/F Householder application for installation of sustainable green roofed Eco-studio to top of rear external area 54 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8JE – Applicant Ecospace – Objection. There was felt to be insufficient information with the plans as such created a potential for a separate dwelling and town council could not see what the room shown was for. Any addition must remain ancillary to the main dwelling. This was the flat to the rear of the delicatessen and was bordered by many gardens and backed on to Edinburgh House off Devon Road.
• 0517/13/lw Reg. No: 3368 site: Merrivale, Main Road, Salcombe. Proposal Fell Leylandii hedge, Fell and remove Sycamore x 3. No objection
• Letter dated 7″ March 2013 from James Gedye of The Bothy, Church Street, Salcombe set out his proposals
for a variation of condition to his current planning permission together with a request for a pre application
meeting with Town Council. Cllr Biggs declared an interest on this information as his employer was marketing this property and Trennells. Town Council did not feel they could reconsider this matter as it was a planning decision and they had requested a Devon Covenant on this property originally. This matter was referred back to District
• Email received from Kati Owen planning officer for comments on Town Council’s opinion with regard to the development of a rectangular workshop between the existing fire station and public conveniences. This
was felt to be completely disjointed to development of RA4 which had no Master Plan so nothing was planned and putting such a building there would be piecemeal. It was noted that the applicant was a hard working local person and this was a good business. However District were supposed to be undergoing a
review of assets and therefore was it not wrong to decide on this when there was a huge piece of land development to consider. One piece of development disjointed the whole because there could realistically be a better place if planned well. The questions raised by Kati Owen to all other consultees were felt to be fair and important and Town Council were to ask if they could be provided with the answers please. Basically Town Council had no objection to this application and again were fully in support of the principle
for commercial use of that particular site but would like answers on the questions because of theft concern with regard to the ad hoc allocation of land at RA4. It was noted that the Community bus would need to be found an alternative space to park although this had been considered at the Park and Ride. It was felt a more suitably locked area would be the Hockey Club car park and Cllr Fice was asked to explore this with the Rugby Club.
A telephone message left by Dean Kinsella had requested a pre application meeting with agents/developers and town council in relation to Trennells, Herbert Road as there was a proposal to build four dwellings. The following morning Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday were possible at approximately 10a.m. (Monday best – not Tues)
Works had commenced by the contractors as the Park and Road but it was a slow start as the ground was frozen. Cllr Wheeler had obtained prices for bollards but it was felt that wooden stakes taped with high viz coloured tape or painted would be cheaper and have less chance of scraping vehicles. Also a local farmer had agreed to loan his post whacker plus the labour to install the posts.
It was AGREED:
(a) To ratify the works necessary to the park and ride for usage by Easter 2013 up to a cost of £500 to include fencing posts, high viz tape/paint and machinery used by the fanner together with a bag of grass seed.
(b) To local business to use two parking places (end to end) for parking his vans at the park and ride due to the fish quay being developed and other areas being available. The initial fee would be £50 per month for a licence on a monthly basis.
(c) to DEFER the decision to provide two parking permits for the volunteers from the Art Club.
It was AGREED to accept the survey report requirement to install photo luminescent signs and break glass key box at the council hall up to a cost of not more than £50.00 to supply and install such
The mayor advised he attended the Plymouth Civic Service last Sunday. He noted that the Chamber of Commerce were creating a map of Kingsbridge with businesses noted on it that were members of the Chamber. They would also be providing such for Salcombe businesses. The Mayor noted he would be stepping down completely form Town Council at the end of April 2013 50 he felt it would be of assistance to know who the Mayor designate would be so they could work together. He noted that he had advised Sarah Woolaston MP that when she visited Salcombe town. she should speak to the Mayor.
The Annual Town Meeting was called by the Mayor. Therefore he felt Town Council should aim for the end of April 2013 as May 6th was a Bank Holiday with the Annual Council Meeting being on the 8th May. He wished to hold such as Salcombe school again and wanted other town councillors to be available to answer residents questions. The dates considered were provided and the town clerk was to email to ask councillors to suggest the chosen date.
• Cllr Clark – Enquired whether councillors had read a report entitled Whither Salcombe and if so would town council like the writer to attend and speak. This was agreed.
• Cllr Wheeler – Had installed a clasp on the gate into the cemetery but noted that the outer also needed one. He had contacted Day Signs in Totnes and requested that the current dates and times signs be ordered. Cllr Mrs Bricknell is to speak to Les King about timings for placing the signs up.
• Cllr Mrs Bricknell – Raised a question with regard to the back lane from Camperdown to Kingsale and such steps into back lane that appeared not owned. Cllr Wheeler is to consider this. This road came off Loring Road and from there upward required maintenance, the next bit was cleared and then people could drive a vehicle all the way along it. However now there had been encroachment with steps, horse manure and
• Cllr Fice – Noted the Planning Enforcement meeting that Cllrs Moore, Mrs Bricknell and he attended and that Helen Smart had talked through District enforcement procedures. He was awaiting information and he was to be the point of contact with Helen Smart etc. The Regatta open meeting was so badly attended it did not achieve anything.
• Cllr Biggs – Noted Swimming Pool AGM on 19″ March.
• Cllr Taylor – Advised that he and Cllr. Mrs Bricknell went with Jeff Bishop to walk the RA3 site. It was interesting to realise that the town council cemetery was much higher than the adjacent development land. There could therefore be a problem between the two parcels of land and gates. It was felt there needed to be a fence placed up on the centre of the bank to demark the boundary. Getting heavy plant and machinery through the gate when the land drops so far down after the gate would cause undermining of the land and with a cemetery this was an important concern. Also town council must discuss with Bloor about a possible road going through. Cllr Taylor was asked to do a pro forma agenda for the Bloor meeting.
• Noted that the website needed updating on the first page which referred to meetings with Bloor ‘at the weekend and also Happy New Year! Jon Elwell had requested that the planning page was also updated as it referred to the Princes Foundation information which he felt was not now current. The latest site allocation DPD could be linked not this.
• A draft Allotment Agreement had been provided to the Allotment Committee. Town Council was provided with a copy of this and the Allotment Committee now wanted to put this draft to their members. The new Agreement would ensure that the members each also pay into insurance so that any claims across the area for falls, damage etc were covered by one insurance company and the Committee were indemnified.
• Pete Robinson was aware that with the amount of historical errors found meant the actual project was not as near to completion as would have been anticipated. His assistance for the current burials at present was a daily job as there has been the usual yearly amount of burials and cremations plus some added different aspects. Pete Robinson had to deal with these as until town council could correct the historical errors and know the details of where people were actually buried burial plots could not be allocated. Extension of this project and perhaps ongoing monitoring/sexton for the cemeteries would need to be considered.
• The gate into the cemetery had a post and hooks kindly installed by Rob Wheeler. The other gate into the driveway to the cemetery needed the same. However someone visiting the cemetery had left the gate into the cemetery open and the post had snapped (rotted) meaning that the gate was now unstable as were some of the adjacent posts. Vehicular access was needed so the external gate would just be held open. An auto catch would be installed on the internal gate to ensure it closed. The works to repair the gate and post/fence would be done as an emergency, safety job.
Dist. Cllr. Coulson left the meeting.
• Email dated 7th March 2013 from Harbour Master Ian Gibson advised that the proposed Powerboat Racing in April 2013 would not go ahead.
• Stuart Jelling Environment Services Manager for District had advised that District intend to alter sweeping schedules in order to improve the weekend coverage throughout the year. Therefore from 18t April 2013 there would be one full-time sweeper and one sweeper working Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
• A letter had been received from Roger Owen requesting consideration of permitting him to provide a catering service/mobile van within the Park and Ride selling beverages, cakes and other food. He had offered to pay for such site and given the background of his past trade. To be placed on the next agenda.
• Quality Parish Scheme consultation was open until 1st April 2013. Notably only four weeks and three days consultation.
• Work had commenced on the Shadycombe Cemetery wall but the large Holm Oak roots were giving some concern. Cllrs Clark, Wheeler and Biggs had attended the site.
• Letter dated 1″March 2013 had been received from a resident of Fortescue Road together with copy letters to the Treasury Solicitor’s Department. The request was that they be allowed to resurface parts of Fortescue Road and they believed that the Treasury Solicitor had jurisdiction over such consent due to the dissolving of the South Devon Land Company. Legal advice was that consideration of the Elspeth Can documents needed to be undertaken and a response made to the residents thanking them for keeping Town Council informed and a letter of interest sent to the Treasury Solicitor.
• District officer had advised that the trees in Bonaventure required an application for works, however Mark Long might have agreed something different with Simon Putt but Simon was off until next Tuesday. Works to trees could only be done from 3 P July to 28th February so documents should be put together to obtain quotes. No decision had been made by town council as to whether to stage these works or carry out all together. Also further discussion on the five year plan for The Berry needed to be undertaken. A draft letter had been produced for residents adjacent to Bonaventure Woods and the flytipping and would be sent to town council for consideration following the resignation of Mark Long.
Councillors APPROVED the following cheques for signature:
OneBill – Council telephone – £38.75
Advanced Fire Protection (South West) Ltd— Smoke detectors and Risk Assessment £230.40
Cuming Containers – Skip for clearance of rubbish at Salcombe Town Council allotment £222.00
Three in One Community Magazine subscription £7.00
Concorde Copiers – Copies used, £12.06
lain Randall – Maintenance contract £446.33
Vision ICT —Email account £18.20
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 27th March 2013 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe at 630p.m.
Meeting Closed: 8.50pm
………………………… ……………….. …….. 27th March 2013.
Town Mayor.