To receive and note
Members are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests, including the nature & extent of such interests, that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.
(If the interest is prejudicial, members should leave the chamber).
Members of the public are invited to address the council on matters relating to this parish.
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 22nd September 2010 for consideration and if agreed for the Chair to sign as a true and correct record
To consider a request by the Salcombe History to have use of the mortuary and to agree such terms and conditions of usage and provision of water and electricity.
NB: Members of the public please note. Plans of the following applications are available in the office of the Town Clerk, to view by appointment if any copies of letters to SHDC, stating objections or support for these applications, could be made available for the Town Council when it is making its recommendations it would be very helpful. Or of course members of the public are very welcome to come and speak in the Open Forum section of the meeting.
For councillors to consider the following applications and send observations to the District as Planning Authority:
• 1984/10/F Proposed replacement access to serve smallholding Cross Park, Mary Knowle Farm, Salcombe, TQ8 8NA
• 1257/10/F WITHDRAWN Alterations to approved permission 41/0983/08/F to include an additional window, minor alterations to fenestrations, additional area to subterranean level with additional window Brackenwood, De Courcy Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LQ
• 1573/10/CLP WITHDRAWN Alterations and enlargement of existing window/door openings Myrana, Drake Road, Salcombe TQ8 8EG
• 1670/10/F WITHDRAWN Householder application for construction of a swimming pool Brackendwood, De Courcy Road, Salcombe TQ8 8LQ
• 1700/10/F WITHDRAWN Householder application for proposed extension to provide improved access to dwelling 1 Rosemount Court, Church Street, Salcombe TQ8 8QB
• 2080/10/F Conservation area consent for demolition of existing extensions and alteration/extension of existing hotel to provide hotel bedrooms and erection of 10 holiday villas and conversion and extension of Bakerswell House to form 4 holiday apartments Salcombe Harbour Hotel, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JH —Applicant Salcombe Developments Ltd.
• 2084/10/F Demolition of existing extensions and alteration/extension of exiting hotel to provide hotel bedrooms and erection of 10 holiday villas and conversion and extension of Bakerswell House to form 4
holiday apartments Salcombe Harbour Hotel, Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JH – Applicant Salcombe Developments Ltd.
• 2090/10/F Householder application for demolition of single storey elements of existing dwelling and construction of new single storey conservatories (2) and new single storey and two storey side extension Beacon House, Main Road, Salcombe TQ8 8JW – Applicant Mr T. Law
• 2125/10/F Householder application for alterations to dwelling The Cottage, Church Lane, Salcombe TQ8 8DH – Applicant Mr and Mrs Taylor
• 2127/10/F Householder application to construct a new canopy over a parking area for 2 cars Underdeck Cliff Road, Salcombe TQ8 8J0 – Applicant Mr I. Forrest-Jones
• 2136/10/LB Householder application for conversion of existing garage to a studio and associated works
Summer Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NF – Applicant Mr & Mrs J & P Vaughan-Fowler
• 2138/10/F Householder application for proposed alterations and extension to dwelling 11 Rosemount Court, Salcombe TQ8 80B – Mr and Mrs A. Steel
• 2143/10/F Householder application for conversion of existing garage to a studio and associated works
Summer Cottage, Higher Batson, Salcombe TQ8 8NE – Applicant Mr & Mrs J. & P. Vaughan-Fowler
• 2172110/F Permission to replace extenat planning consent for 41/1915107/F for installation of rooflights 6
Ringrone, Sharpitor, Salcombe T08 8LW – Applicant Mr & Mrs Jenkins.
• 2180/10/CA Demolition of existing garage and roadside wall and construction of new garage beneath dwelling. Alterations to entrance steps with balcony over drive Old Fernlea, Devon Road, Salcombe 108 8HE – Applicant Mr R. Mackness
• 2195/10/F Resubmission of planning application 41/1670/10/F for proposed open swimming pool Brackenwood, De Courcy Road, Salcombe TQ8 8L0 – Applicant Mr S. Cameron.
• 2196/10/F Resubmission of planning application 41/1257/10/F for alterations to approved permission 41/0983108/F to include an additional window, minor amendments to fenestrations additional area to subterranean level with additional window and amended garage roof Brackenwood, De Courcy Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8L0 —Applicant Mr S. Cameron
• 0514/10/F Appeal Ref: APPK1 128/Ni 0/21 28495/WF Site at 7 Longfield Drive, Salcombe TQ8 8NT – Appeal Dismissed.
• 1504/10/F Householder application for replacement of windows and doors 1 Shadycombe Court, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe TQ8 BOA.
• 1557/10/ Replacement windows and doors to hotel Tides Reach Hotel, Bolthead, Salcombe TQ8 8LJ
• 1689/10/F Application for variation of condition 3 (accord with drawing numbers) of previous planning
reference 41/0926/10/RM (Reserved matters application for demolition of existing buildings and erection
of 5 dwellings with associated parking) Summerhayes, Loring Road, Salcombe TQ8 8AT
• 1558/10/LB Listed building consent to cover existing sign above main window 54 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 8JE
• 1578/10/AD Advertisement consent for external branded signs for front of store above main window Quba Sails, 54 Fore Street, Salcombe TQ8 SET
To receive a proposal that Salcombe Town Council write stating their concerns with regard to the ongoing financing and retention of the local PCSOs and such police coverage of the community.
To consider a request by Devon County Council for Town Council to become the delegated authority to consider and issue such permits and agree what recompense will be payable.
To receive a written overview from Salcombe and Kingsbridge Chamber of Commerce with regard to County’s intention to install parking meters and consider what action Town Council wishes to take.
• District Councillors
• Mayor
• Councillors
• Clerk
• Working Parties
• Attendance at committees and other relevant meetings