* – Attendance; A- Absent; N – No Apologies Received

Cllr Mrs N. Turton – Mayor (in the Chair) *
Cllr. M. Fice *
Cllr Mrs C. Bricknell *
Cllr T. Lang *
Cllr R. Moore *
Cllr Mrs L. Sinnott *
Cllr G. Keeler A
Cllr M. Long (also District Councillor) *
Cllr I. Hatch *
Cllr A. Hainey *
Cllr M. Payne *

Also in attendance:
Dist. Cllr Mrs J. Pearce *
Cty. Cllr. R Gilbert *
Gill Claydon (Clerk) *
Pete Robinson (Cemetery Manager and Project Officer) *
Tom Ladds Kingsbridge Gazette A


Members were invited to acknowledge any declarable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests that they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr Long advised that he would not take part in planning decisions due to him being on the District Development Management Committee.


Dan Field Engineer for District Council was present to speak about the Whitestrand development. The last time he attended at town council meeting he had spoken about changes to the public realm with improvements and was to meet with the contractor. Now he wished to deal with the project programme, its impact and signage being provided. On Monday District had hit a small technicality regarding a covenant on the adjacent land which required approval of the project from the freeholder of the Kings Arms. This was in relation to a 1950 covenant released in 1974 that still was required to go through a legal process. Thus, there had been no work carried out so far so as to not breach this covenant. Currently it was just paperwork that District needed to deal with during the last few days. He advised this was nothing to do with the public house owners nor the brewery but the overarching owners and would be resolved. The Mayor questioned any knock-on effect for the duration of the project. This had only occurred on Monday and since Friday people had been working on this and he now had a meeting with the contractor to sign the contract and they would commence putting in cabins. There would however be a slight delay on actual start of works. In the interim District were trying to use this as a benefit and the contractors were carrying out work on Jubilee Pier steps, painting etc. so this was a positive.

The commencement week would be after 20th January. There would be two phases – ground works until first week of March so the building would be gone and ground works would be carried out. They hoped to be out of ground works before Easter and thus reduce the impact of such works on the car park. All works would continue until June. District intended to close Whitestrand car park completely for 4 weeks to allow delivery trucks to get in and take demolition material away. From Easter onwards they intended to have both sides of the car park open. The four weeks were programmed for 20th January – 20th February closure. District had spoken to the Kings Arms about fire escape access and they were aware of closures. Works would not impact on cash point machines.

District now needed to set signage up for footpath diversions and pontoon access along with interpretation boards regarding the project along with a leaflet version. Then they needed business as usual signs. It was questioned where signing would be placed to advise Whitestrand car park was closed and agreed it would be preferable sited before the turn off for the Batson/Shadycombe car parks. The Mayor asked that a pre warning at the top of town be included to state that Whitestrand car park was closed and to use Shadycombe and Batson that were open.

Cllr Hatch enquired if Cliff House Gardens toilets would be re-opened. Dan Field advised that there had been a lot of discussion around this and temporary toilets. Cliff House Gardens could not be re-opened due to a problem with its roof, electrical installation and other factors as it was not just a simple fix. There was a squeeze on parking operations and with the number of event toilets required, along with emptying of such facilities and car park space District had decided not to provide temporary toilets. Town Council acknowledged that during January and February this was not so much of an issue but by March visitors would be parking at Batson and walking into town so District agreed they would put signs up to state, ‘last public toilet’.

Cllr Fice raised a question regarding visitors who would also arrive in Salcombe from the water along with those who were working thereon. He was advised the Harbour Master had been in discussion with the Yacht Club regarding yachtsmen. Cllr Lang raised the issue for those who worked in shops without toilet facilities and was advised that District had no statutory requirement to provide public toilets. District Council did not feel there was room/space alongside the operations to provide such to the correct standard. Dan Field was asked for an indication when the Whitestrand public toilets would be available and was advised the end of June.

It was noted that during works there would be half term, Crab Fest, VE Day and Easter over this project period. Cllr Hainey was concerned and felt the project should be stopped to deal with these community concerns. Cllr Long explained that everyone was aware that he, personally, disagreed that there was no space for toilets and had urged District to look at any loss of parking and include portaloos. Even if nothing could be done for January and February something needed to be in place for March to June and he hoped access to public toilets could be pulled forward. Cllr Long had raised this as a District Councillor at Executive but was advised as monies were coming from the Capital budget such money could not fund public toilets. He was concerned that this project had not been thought about hard enough or gone through completely for a project serving the town. Cllr Long would continue to press District on the problems on this matter/project.

Cllr Lang felt it was wrong to say District did not have a statutory duty to provide public toilets during development. District continued to pay funding to FCC but they would not be required to maintain nor clean the Whitestrand demolished facility so this contract funding not used must be placed in alternative facilities. Dan Field acknowledged this and agreed to look at concerns and investigate provision for the tourism pressure periods and see what could be done. The Mayor asked if FCC provided portaloos within their remit and if District were contracted to pay them for cleaning surely, they could look at provision of such a facility. Dan Field said he would ask the question. Locations for portaloos were proposed to include the extended area that Captain Morgan’s utilised, time limited, but it was noted they returned into this contract in March.

Cllr Hainey questioned access to memorials on Whitestrand for VE Day as the Salcombe memorial was sited there and many American visitors would be around for the 8th May. Dan Field advised that, in theory, the contractor would have reduced the compound area by then however visitors could still access such areas, but this would only be along the diversion. Most present were concerned that commemorative events could not be held in the appropriate area as there would be no accessible space available. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce acknowledged that a representative from Crab Fest had spoken to her of such concerns and they were going to pull out of any festive activity on Whitestrand for this year and base their event down Island Street.

Cllr Moore noted that whilst Rotary was not going to use Whitestrand previous attendance figures meant that circa 10,000 people could come into Salcombe for Crab Fest and they would go through town. Dan Field offered to look at what could be provided for VE Day and other events. Cllr Moore also requested a copy of the project program chart for Whitestrand to be provided to the clerk and forwarded to him.

The Mayor thanked Dan Field for attending and he left the meeting.

County and District Councillors Report
Cty Cllr Gilbert noted a query raised by the Mayor regarding assets and that was travelling through the right channels. Various issues had been dealt with and one he highlighted was that lorries were increasingly using Newton Road when coming into Salcombe. He had investigated this and there was nothing that highways could do and it was probably down to SatNav. Another matter was a broken wall and it was the responsibility of all the properties involved not County. The perimeter of Newton House looked as though it had been broken for a long time and again this was down to the property owner.

Regarding clearance of gullies he thanked town council for their input. There had been an amount of correspondence linked to Courtenay Park and Devon Road drains which would now be cleared as soon as possible. Regarding Camperdown and other areas all had been attended to but a couple more works could be put in for extra funding. The Chapter 8 issue regarding the Courtenay Park container for the play equipment providers had been sorted. He thanked the town clerk for including him on emails about a wall on the junction of Onslow Road and Devon Road as he had not been aware of this. About other matters of walls and undermining of roads the answer may not have been what correspondents wanted but at least these had been clarified by highways.

He thanked Cllr Moore for his email relating to grant funding for a parking survey involving the officer James Bench.

The Mayor reported that on Bennett Road, half way along, the road appeared to be quickly collapsing. Cty Cllr Gilbert asked that the town council send an email to the highway officer and County could survey this as a safety issue. Unfortunately, with the recent rain fall County had a lot of these problem areas. At Sorley Cross this was noted and there were gabion works to be done. Sadly, Cty Cllr Gilbert acknowledged, that the ones which would be done quickest would be those that slipped first. He had some roads that had slipped 2 years ago, notably Avon Garden centre access road, which were only just being repaired.

Cllr Hatch advised that the North to South Sands road out to Tides Reach had a wall that was collapsing towards Stumbles and would shortly go. Cty Cllr Gilbert noted that if a county engineer was requested to attend and advised this was a Health and Safety problem the road could be closed with deviation orders. However, an email sent with regarding concern should highlight that lorries are going up and down to the Tides Reach development.

Cllr Lang again highlighted potholes around Salcombe roads. Cty Cllr Gilbert responded that with all the rain there was an increasing backlog of repairs due to the speed of erosion/creation the weather being too bad to carry out repair. Skanska had people out inspecting the urgent ones, but this was across the whole of Devon so would take time. He was concerned that if there was a heavy frost and water froze it would split the roads further but at present it was not looking like frost.
Cty Cllr Gilbert left the meeting.

Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce noted there was not a lot that had occurred over Christmas. There had been a couple of articles in the Kingsbridge Gazette regarding empty homes and how District Council was going to use new legislation on empty properties. She advised that this was actually to do with a Government ruling on long term empty homes and the South Hams only had about 50-60 properties like this. District therefore had decided to look into the due process for this and may not prepare anything this year ready for the budget as any future decision might need public consultation.

Regarding Climate Change and Extinction Rebellion they had issued press a release and District Council issued one to respond and was working with Devon County on this. She advised that Sophie Hosking CEO had resigned and was leaving to take up a Director post in Cornwall and acknowledged that this would be a positive move for her personal life. District would now look to engage a CEO.

Dist Cllr Long noted problems with emptying bins across the Christmas period as again FCC had not projected the increase of people in Salcombe at Christmas. Due to changes of middle management at District he had been trying to contact the right person over Christmas, but it had been hard to ascertain who, hopefully this matter was now dealt with.

Cllr Fice asked about the mechanical road sweeper attendance and where it was supposed to cover. He knew it came to Salcombe but since there had been scaffolding in Buckley Street for over a year ago it had never re-appeared. Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce advised that there was no actual schedule, but visits were done on a ‘when needed’ basis. There was also the town sweeper along with mobile locality officer who were supposed to flag up when such sweeping should take place. Cllr Long challenged whether there was a discrepancy on what was intended and being done. Town Council were advised to use their locality officer and request any sweep through areas required. Places that fitted this requirement were discussed but no decision or advice put forward.

The Mayor enquired whether the oversized advert for and adjacent to the Wardroom was planning compliant. Cllr Long advised that as District Councillor he had taken this matter up with enforcement. It was also noted that a downpipe overhanging from The Salcombe disgorging rainwater onto the highway was causing a nuisance and was unsightly. This had been reported to County Highways. Scaffolding from Devon Road to Courtney Park still had no lights thereon and had been passed from District locality officer report to legal department. It was requested that a photograph of the overhanging down pipe also be taken and forwarded to County Highways reminding them.


The Minutes of the meeting dated 11th December 2019 were approved and then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.


The following applications were considered and such observations from town council submitted to District.

  • 3811/19/HHO Householder application for extension and alterations to existing property Marroy, Onslow Road, Salcombe,TQ8 8AH – Response 10th January – No comment.
  • 3948/19/HHO Householder application for alteration and extension to existing house 24 Church Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DH – Response 17th January – Objection as this was within a conservation area and the style of windows at the rear of the property (which were clearly visible from footpaths and Batson Creek) was not conducive such area. This was also contrary to Salcombe NDP ENV1 as it had an impact on the AONB and B1 so was not in keeping with the area within which it was located. There was also a concern regarding the use of aluminium windows at the front of the property in this Conservation Area.
  • 3954/19/HHO Householder application for extension and alterations to existing dwelling High Water, Salcombe, TQ8 8LN – Response 17th January – No comment.
  • 4025/19/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with new dwelling Highwood, Moult Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LG – Response 25th January – No comment on the application as town council were pleased and appreciated how the applicants had taken on board their previous comments and made changes. Due to the access to the site between North and South Sands town council requested that a Construction Management Plan be provided to deal with how removal and delivery of materials would be handled and to ensure any repairs needed to the highway thereafter were carried out.
  • 4063/19/FUL Replacement dwelling with associated landscape work (amendment to design previously approved 1125/17/FUL) Sandnes, Beadon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8LU – Response 31st January – Objection. Although Salcombe Town Council did not object to the previous application, this change was not for the better. There was now too much glass meaning that the proposed property would not merge into the woodland as with the previous application. This would have a detrimental impact on the AONB and was therefore now contrary to Salcombe NDP policy ENV1. It was also contrary to NDP policy ENV7 as the proposal did not maintain the character of the key area A as defined within the NDP. The design of the property was contrary to NDP policy B1 in that it did not respect the context and setting. As the new proposal was a third larger it was also felt to be overdevelopment of the site. Should the application be successful town council would request that there be a Construction Management Plan provided (due to the difficulty in accessing the site) and also that the Tree Protection Plan together with surrounding landscaping be rigorously enforced (to protect the mature trees on site).


0550/19/FUL Appeal ref: APP/K1128/W/19/3228893 Retrospective application for a change of use from residential/office/storage to residential at first floor “Creek House”, Island Street, Salcombe Appellants name: Yellow Bridge Developments Ltd Appeal start date: 2nd December 2019- Response 13th January 2020 – The main basis of the appeal appeared to be that the conditional approval of the night watchman’s flat under application 41/0533/94/3 constituted approval for residential use. However, the planning statement itself recorded a condition of this approval – The residential flat which comprises part of the development hereby approved shall only be occupied ancillary to and in conjunction with the workshop/office use being carried out in the premises. This seemed to contradict the appeal which relied upon a decision in the ‘I’m Your Man’ case which stated that a planning requirement should be a condition and not a limitation.

Since the comments town council made in April the Salcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan had now been made and was now part of planning law, and despite the appeal statement referring to some of the NDP clauses the appellants did not seem to either consider them relevant or had only partially quoted the policy. The NDP policies which applied were:

SALC EM2 stated Within the area of Island Street and Gould Road only employment uses shall be permitted. Development shall include:
a) Rehabilitation, re-use or redevelopment of existing premises;
b) Marine related uses shall take priority in this area however all B1 uses will be supported, small scale workshops for marine uses or arts and crafts are considered the most appropriate by the community;
c) Retail use will only be permitted if it forms a minor part of the overall development. ‘Minor’ is defined as ancillary and subsidiary to the principle use of manufacturing, craft and other service enterprise in the area.

Where the loss of an employment site is justified as no longer viable the applicant must demonstrate through an independent assessment that the vacant units have been actively marketed and offered at a reasonable rent (comparable with rents achieved elsewhere in the parish) for a minimum period of 1 year, a market review of the sites and details of the marketing. New employment proposed under this policy should conform to General User Class B1 with ancillary retail as A1 only.

The appellants stated that there was evidence of use as residential and holiday letting but this had not happened prior to the recent development by the appellants as the first floor had only ever been used as offices or storage. This meant that this had always been employment space and there appeared to be no justification to argue against this policy, so this application was certainly contrary to SALC EM2.


  • 3728/19/TPO T1-T4: Sycamore – Removal of lateral branches 2-3m in length back to main stem on West side. T5-T8: Ash – Removal of lateral branches 2-3m in length back to main stem on West side; crown height reduction by 6m. Reasons: To prevent overhang and possible damage, Ash trees are also showing signs of Ash dieback. 27 Land to the rear of McIlwraith Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8FF – 20th January – Objection as there was no arboricultural evidence to justify these works. It was felt that such works would be excessive and unbalance the trees from the main wind direction and damage the amenity value of these trees. As there was no evidence provided of ash die back there would need to be photographic evidence of such when the trees were in leaf.
  • 3844/19/TPO A1: Sycamore – cyclical request to remove new saplings as they appear within a distance from the house of 80 metres on the East side, 50 metres on the South and North sides and 10 metres on the West side; T2: Sweet Chestnut – cyclical request to maintain 3 metres clearance from house on South and West sides Bridleway House, Moult Hill, Salcombe TQ8 8LF – Response 9th January – Objection as the proposal A1 took in all of the property of Bridleway House including the recently approved TPO Woodland Order. The distances indicated of 80m, 50m from the house would extend into the Woodland Order area and therefore these works would be contrary to that Woodland Order as the reason for the WO was to allow natural regeneration of the woodland. Part of the area included in A1 was mown grass within the garden and sat outside the Woodland Order being covered by the TPO Area Order so no works as proposed would be necessary. The application specifically mentioned Sycamore seedling and given the existence of Ash Die Back Sycamore were one of the valuable tree species to maintain tree cover and should be part of the natural regeneration process along with other self-seeding tree species. Objection to the proposed works to T2 Sweet Chestnut as this tree had previous works for crown lift and lateral reductions prior to and after rebuilding of the property Bridleway House. It was not felt that a cyclical request for works was justified on Arboricultural grounds and any potential future growth encroachment toward the house should be dealt with by a specific TPO work request.
  • 4082/19/TPO T16: Holm Oak – Fell due to unstable bank causing risk of falling, replant nearby with alternative tree; T18: Holm Oak – pollard to 3m from ground level to previous pollard height due to increasing lean and low hanging branches interfering with passing traffic Asman, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JP -Response 16th January – No objection due to the position of the bank and stability issues but there was a requirement to replant with suitable tree for its position near the property and setting.
  • 4132/19/TPO RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION for consent following exemption notice dated18 December 2019; 3923/19/TEX T1: Ash – fell, tree hollow, rotten at base of main stem, large, dead branches in main crown over 10cm diameter, main crown leaned heavily over public footpath; T2: Fell – severe canker disease from base of main stem up to approx 4 metres from ground level, large dead branches in main crown greater than 10cmin diameter, main crown leaned heavily over a public footpath. Woodcot, Cliff Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8JU – Response 21st January – No objection although it was surprising that this was a retrospective application so the assumption was the trees must already have been felled. Town Council would request the Tree Office to ensure that the contractor was aware of the requirements of notification and due process so that this situation did not occur in the future. The condition of the trees by evidence of the photographs may have warranted felling or perhaps crown reductions. However, if they were deemed inherently immediately dangerous then it could have been dealt with by the 5-day exemption application. There would be a requirement for replanting for each tree within close vicinity with an appropriate tree either Oak or Beech.

PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE –2540/19/VAR Appeal reference: APP/K1128/C/19/3241305 & 3241979 Received. Location: Vantage One, Sandhills Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8JP Appellants Name: Mr S Culley and Mrs Culley. The appeal to be determined on the basis of Written Representations with all comments to be received no later than 31st January.
Dist Cllr Mrs Pearce left the meeting.


This matter was DEFERRED pending future contact from the tenants as their plans had changed.


It was AGREED that Salcombe Town Council wished to nominate Cllr Mrs Turton, the Mayor, as the representative.

Cllr Hatch left the room whilst the following application was discussed.


It was AGREED to co-opt Debs Ward and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was received with the forms for completion of the Register of Interests being provided for completion later.

8. PRECEPT 2020 – 2021

It was AGREED that Councillors would provide by email any draft proposals or suggestions for consideration by the Finance Working Party to advise budgeting and enable the working party to bring a final proposal to the next full council.


The need to nominate this post prior to the annual consideration of Mayor and Deputy Mayor elect in March was considered and it was AGREED it was not required at this point.


The Mayor had not attended meetings over the Christmas period. She asked for suggestions and thoughts as to whether anything should be hosted by town council for VE Day. Having raised this, it would be placed on the following agenda to collate ideas.


  • Cllr Hatch – New Years Eve the signpost for the Berry was ripped out and thrown across the road. He had put the post back in the ground, but the sign needed re affixing. By the play park there was similar damage with a dustbin ripped out, these events occurred between 7 and 8p.m. He questioned whether there was any police presence as with the recent increase in vandalism across the town more presence should be provided. Cllr Fice felt that with the level of vandalism over the last year town council needed to contact the local police as it was no doubt local youths. Cllr Long advised there had been vandalism in Malborough at about the same time, which included public bins. Cllr Mrs Sinnott asked if the Gazette could be approached to write an article raising awareness asking parents if they knew what their youngsters were doing.
  • Cllr Moore – Noted when walking up Onslow Road that the fencing contractor had done a good cement mix on the first posts but felt that on the second day the base mix got worse and appeared to be crumbling. Pete Robinson advised that the contractor was returning the next week to carry out further works so he would raise this, but Cllr Hatch was asked to inspect firstly and report back.
  • Cllr Long – Advised that he did complete the online request for tree packs from Woodland Trust and for landmark trees. Although already completed he had since heard that the suppliers only had 18 trees available, so he was not hopeful of a successful application. A tree offered as a donation in the Clerk’s report was noted. District Planning site visit at Cheesewring to consider the wall and state of the footpath on Monday would not take place due to the inclement weather and terrain so Pat Whymer and Bryony Hanlon together with Cllr Long would view this on Friday 10th. The Mayor was also to attend.
  • Cllr Payne – Noted his concerns about the Whitestrand project proposals as outlined earlier.
  • Cllr Fice – Raised concern regarding District Council planning and how the system worked. On a decision for Westcombe, Batson he had noted that there were no comments from District Councillors, but it was because the three-day period over a weekend was too restrictive to allow responses. Cllr Long advised that the three days was a statutory 72 hours consultation for all planning authorities and Pat Whymer, head of planning, had now stated it must be three working days. This system however was crazy as it relied on a district councillor being able to have constant internet access. Cllr Fice continued that there were valid objections to this application from many in the community and there should be some sort of system that when there are so many material objections no decision must be put forward before District Councillor input was received. Cllr Long advised that he now rang officers when an application was getting towards the end of its consultation period. Cllr Fice also felt that currently some planning officers had no regard for Salcombe NDP policies, and the Neighbourhood Development Group had requested a meeting to highlight the importance of this document but had not got anywhere in arranging such. Cllr Fice was going to approach Pat Whymer directly.
  • Cllr Lang – Had walked all the footpaths and would be providing a report on them for the next meeting.
  • Cllr Hainey – Referred to the Rockpoint email advising that the Appeal was allowed. He was concerned that Point 10 stated there was no data or guidance on open market housing availability in Salcombe so was there no clear evidence. Cllr Fice advised that this was incorrect and such evidence was available.


  • Further contractors had been contacted up until Christmas with regard to clearing the gutters on the Council Hall but no one further had responded. Only Fine Shine had responded earlier with a quote of £200, and the town clerk asked whether this should proceed as a matter of urgency, this action was agreed.
  • Noted that the recent District Climate Change media release mentioned that if people wanted to engage in Climate Change they should make contact with their town and parish councils.
  • The Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2020/21 was out for consultation until 17th January 2020 and town council had been provided with these proposals to consider and comment on. Nothing further from town council to add.
  • An application for an Events Licence for Crab Fest had been forwarded by District Licensing and provided to all town council for consideration. Noted.
  • Pete Robinson had attended a meeting at the Berry and noted that there was wood chip deposited on the bank by Primrose Wood. This appeared to be fly tipping but could have been District Council when working on the Ash tree.
  • Fencing at the Berry and St. Dunstans to be commenced week beginning 16th January and the remaining section at Redfern would be completed at the same time.
  • Nigel Mortimer had advised that the Environment Agency had launched their five yearly formal consideration of the River Basin Management Plan and he urged councils to comment regarding water quality and how it was managed in the AONB. The AONB Estuaries Partnership would be hosting a dedicated RBMP workshop on 11th February 2020.
  • A request from residents in Forster Road had been received for permission to plant a Beech tree in a suitable space in Salcombe and wondered if this could be accommodated in Shadycombe Cemetery. Cllr Long would liaise for the planting of this tree and report back to town council.


Bank Balances
Current Account £500.00
Deposit Account £403,073.56

Devon County Council – Reimbursement for 2019 Highway cuts £310.

Councillors APPROVED Internet payments to:
PKF Littlejohn – Annual Audit fee £480
Adrian Dornom Property Services – Victoria Quay Bench repair £20.50
H2 Environmental – Redfern Woods fencing as per quote (not including further works requested) £2367.77
PI – Operation Inspection Jubilee Gardens £60.00
Fifty Three Grounds Maintenance – Mole Control December 2019 £50.00
SHDC – November Maintenance Contract £998.95
SHDC – Emergency remedial works to split on Ash tree at Primrose Field £232.55


Members of the public and press were excluded from this part of the meeting as the item under discussion contained information exempt under the LGA 1972, Schedule 12(a) Part 1, Section 1 and the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


Consideration was given to the information provided in District lists and the actions taken therefrom APPROVED.


The next Town Council would be held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 in the Library at Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe, at 6.30p.m.

Meeting Closed: 8.35p.m.

……………………………………………….. 22nd January 2020.
Town Mayor

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